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A member registered Jun 15, 2020

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(7 edits)

This addition to the app is perfect! Plus those coloured sector passages look great in it! Your example sector map here with those passages in it now is very nice on the eyes.


(3 edits)

P.S. I do not know if I missed seeing this function in the app before or if you added it later: but I just noticed that the drawing toolbar already gives me everything that I need to mark a passage in a sector.  

It does not appear to be possible to draw anything freehand or curvilinear with that toolbar. But at least we can draw straight lines from point-to-point with it. 

That works for me: So long as I can draw a few straight lines in a sector to show where the passages are, then I can simply decide which move I should use to travel based on that (whether to Undertake an Expedition or Chart a Course) as appropriate.

In other words: I do not think that you need to add anything more than this to the app to implement sector passages in it. It already has everything that we need in it.

That's good to know. Thanks for the reply.

(1 edit)

This app looks very good so far. Except am I failing to see something here?... I do not see a way to mark the passages in a sector in this app, short of just placing a series of icons hex by hex to try to show a passage.

(35 edits)

That's funny! We must be sharing a hive mind or something:

That is I am new to this thread, too, and while I was reading it I was thinking of the same idea as you: that is why not simply replace the Jenga blocks with a 'usage die' from the Black Hack, that we keep downgrading by one step (d20, d12, d10, d8, d6, d4...) whenever we roll a 1 or 2.

But the same as you did, I realized that the problem with that method is that it is too predictable and gradual. There is no danger (not even a remote one) that it might all 'fall' in a single pull or two. So scratch that.

Then I reached your post at the bottom of this thread and I saw that you had already beat me to all of this.



Sorry for the long spiral of edits here. It is just because I keep having additional thoughts on this:

1) What if the usage die that we are downgrading here step by step (d20, d12, d10, d8, d6, d4...) is combined with a second die roll - e.g. an exploding d6, or some similar mechanic - that sometimes makes that usage die downgrade by more than one step at a time?

2) To simplify that:  We could just use the usage die method on its own and downgrade the die on a 1 or 2 the same as we usually would. Except if it is a 1, then we downgrade the die by one step; and if it is a 2, then we downgrade the die by 2 steps.

3) Or if that doesn't feel dangerous enough: then in addition to doing the above, we also roll a small pool of d6's on the side whenever we roll a 1 or a 2 on the usage die: If the lowest result any of those d6's beats the 1 or 2 that we just rolled, then we downgrade the usage die by as many steps as that d6 result. 



Besides the problem that Avatar_Izzy found earlier, I have now run into another problem with this idea of substituting a usage die for a Jenga Tower:

On the good side: When combined with any of my additional rules above, it sometimes simulates the tension of pulling blocks out of a Jenga tower fairly well.

But on the bad side: There are also some runs where the usage die becomes stuck at one of its larger die-sizes & it takes an incredibly large number of rolls to get through that step.  There is no tension & it is no fun when it becomes stuck like that.

The problem there is that it all just depends on how the usage die itself rolls: So long as that die is involved, then there is always a possibility that on some runs it will just keep beating the odds; that it will just keep rolling & rolling for an absurdly long time before it finally rolls a 1 or a 2.

That could be fixed by combining the usage die with a progress track or etc to keep its number of rolls within bounds.

But I think that would be too cumbersome: Why combine a usage die with a progress track, when we could simply roll against a progress track's value & leave the usage die out of this?

So I'm abandoning this usage die idea for now.

But I'm not deleting my post here. I'm leaving it, just in case any of it is useful to Avatar_Izzy or anybody else.

(8 edits)

This is just what I was looking for!... I have owned Mork Borg for a long time. But I have been unable to read it until now, because its format is too visually busy for me to process. Whenever I try to read anything published for Mork Borg in that format, it just triggers severe migraines with transient aphasia for me. But now thanks to this barebones edition, I can finally read Mork Borg's rules. Thank you so much for this.

(2 edits)

Thanks for your reply here about Dice Soul's status. I appreciated it.

I also don't mind waiting longer now for its release.  It is understandable that process is just going to take as long as it takes.


(2 edits)

Hi, Has the digital version of Dice Souls been released yet? 

If not, that's okay.  I can wait.  But do you have an updated estimate when it will be released?

My reason for asking this is just to check that I'm not missing anything here. 

That is, I purchased the digital version of Dice Souls a few weeks ago in February when it was on-sale.  I was looking forward to the digital version's March 1st release-date.  But so far I only see the campsite mp3 for that in my downloads.